On Mon, 21 Apr 2003, Austad, Jay wrote:

> I've found that it's best to just hide your computers when they come out and
> tell them that you don't have one yet.  Then they will just register you
> using their laptop.
I am currently on RR. I asked for a "self install".
When I told the sales rep they could put down "XP" if they needed a
Windows version, he asked me what sort of Linux I was running;)
They had the installer drop the packet by and go on his way. Not
even so much as an odd look.

> > sheesh, you wonder if they actually want customers??
> >
This was said in the context of Comcast/AT&T, and I would say that
the answer for them and Qwest is: no, they want consumers who will
buy whatever they are told to.

Daniel Taylor
dante at argle.org
Forget diamonds, Copyright is forever.

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