On Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 08:30:17PM -0500, Justin Haaheim wrote:
> what's the best way to move my /home directory to another partition as 
> redhat9 would, for instance, if I had chosen to do that during install. 
>  I tried just moving to the new place, and doing
>   cp -R /home/justin .
> but that wasn't able to copy a number of the items for various reasons. 
>  Some were permissions things.  I have some symlinks set up in my home 
> directory that I'd like to mantain.  I don't want them to be replaced by 
> their location's contents.  I just want the links to be maintained (to 
> point to the same place).  any help?

cp -ax /oldhome/* /newhome



"NT is to UNIX what a doughnut is to a particle accelerator."
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