On Thu, 17 Apr 2003 RWare at INTERPLASTIC.com wrote:

> Does MySQL have stored procs and sub queries yet?  Row level locking?  Last
> time I looked it didn't.  Postgres was miles ahead of it before as far as
> features and atomicity which Phil G writes a fair amount about.

I think this is decisive, if you actually have an existing body of PL-SQL
code to migrate.  Last I looked MySQL was lacking a lot of SQL features
that have been around a long time--stuff that I was using 10 years ago.
You are likely to find MySQL very frustrating in this situation, and
at best you will end up with a lot of kludgy code.  I don't know much
about PostGres, but the last time I checked it was a much more complete
SQL implementation.

Glenn McDavid
gmcdavid at attbi.com
gmcdavid at winternet.com

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