On Tue, 15 Apr 2003, Justin Haaheim wrote:

> 2 quick questions:
> is there a good program to use for real player streams that isn't real's 
> own buggy player?

Doesn't mplayer support rm?

> also, for just standard video (or, similarly, audio) downloads that are 
> sent straight to a player (clicking on an mpeg in mozilla and saying 
> "open with /usr/bin/gmplayer"), is there a way to tell a program like 
> mplayer (or is there a better program) to stream it even thought its 
> just a standard download?  How would that work for mozilla/mplayer?  In 
> internet explorer on windows, if you click a video file it'll send it 
> straight to wmedia player to stream and play.

I use the command line. "Save Link URL" in my browser, then in my
xterm windows:
$ mplayer <middle-mouse-click>

It will buffer for a few seconds and play the stream. Hopefully it can
download it faster than it plays.

In the Galeon preferences under the Mime-types section there is an
option called "Process URL" which will load the helper application
with thethe URL instead of the temp file it saves. I'm assuming
Mozilla is the same.

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