Keith writes: > System: > Compaq Presario 915US > AMD > Mandrake 9.1 > > I am trying to get access rights to the Apache www folder, but I cannot. > How can I give my user write access to this folder? Apache server > installed and working succesfully (on localhost) I'm assuming the Apache www folder is /var/www. On my (Mandrake 8.2) machine, there's no group assigned to this. I would try Choice A: [as root:] 1. Create group webdesigner (or whatever) and add user to that group: I'm a slug and always use kuser. Note that you have to log out to have any group membership changes effective. 2. Make the directory group be the new group: chgrp --recursive webdesigner /var/www 3. Change directory permissions: This could be yucky. I'm not dead sure what you want to be able to write. If it's just html, I would do chmod --recursive g+w /var/www/html Choice B: I'm not sure what you want to do, but I believe that apache comes by default with each user able to create his/her own web page. So if your user is flash_gordon, you would just create a directory /home/flash_gordon/public_html with an index.html, which should be accessible as http://localhost/~flash_gordon/ Depending on your needs, this would be easier to accomplish, less fraught with security issues, etc. > > How can I get the 'suspend' command installed? I think I'm gonna need > an installfest help with this one. I found that acpi (the new, zippy power-saving stuff) was by default OFF in Mandrake 9.1. Their boot configuration stuff didn't seem to change this properly. I use lilo, so what I did was: 1. copy the entry called 'linux' in /etc/lilo.conf; 2. modify it by adding acpi=on to the line that starts append=; 3. modify it by renaming the copy to 'linux-acpi' 4. change the default line in lilo.conf to be linux-acpi instead of linux. This seems to work and start up acpi. BUT.... 1. I had to install the acpi and acpid rpms by hand. Check to make sure they're there. 2. I checked to make sure that the acpid was started up on boot (check using chkconfig --list). 3. I have not extensively tested ACPI. Let me be more blunt --- I haven't used it at all and don't have the foggiest idea if it works and can successfully do neat stuff like hybernation.... > > How can I have it stop trying to connnect to a DHCP server on bootup if > it doesn't find one in say, 10 seconds, or else have a menu on wether or > not to load it right away? Again, probable installfest problem. 1. Easy solution: change /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (or whatever is the name of the interface) to be ONBOOT=no and then just use ifcfg eth0 up (as root) when you're ready to bring up the connection 2. More tricky (suggested by Jon Schewe): modify the kernel load parameters to add an argument saying whether or not the interface should be up on boot, and modify Mandrake's /etc/rc.d/init.d/network to check /proc/cmdline and start or not start the interface based on that argument. > > Next: I want to get a MSQL database up and running (for a web-based > intranet helpdesk system) Here I confess complete ignorance. Hope that helps, R _______________________________________________ TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota tclug-list at