On Fri, Apr 18, 2003 at 10:34:16PM -0500, David Phillips wrote:

> Don't use sendmail.  Ever.  It is a buggy and insecure.  I recommend using
> qmail.  It is a much better MTA.  It is faster; reliable; more modular; more
> UNIX-like; easier to setup and configure; and most of all, secure:

</me feeds the troll>

I heard that qmail is buggy, insecure, un-unix-like, hard to setup and configure,
and a complete bitch to do anything with. But then, I just pulled that out of
my ass like you did.

If you can't figure something as simple as sendmail's m4 processing out, 
then perhaps you should install webmin for a pretty point and click interface.

Matthew S. Hallacy                            FUBAR, LART, BOFH Certified
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