I took the liberty to forward this post to the proper list.
tclug-jobs at mn-linux.org
On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 08:38:02PM -0500, Jay Austad wrote:
>One thing I've noticed, is that a lot of companies who are listing Network
>engineer positions, consider them to be Windows admin jobs, with very little
>switching and routing experience required.  Shouldn't these be listed as Sys
>Admin positions?  It's rather annoying when you come up with a list of jobs,
>and 90% of them are strictly doing windows admin stuff.
>I left my job at MarketWatch last week, and now I'm currently looking.  Drop
>me an email if you know of anything, I'll provide a resume upon request.
>Preferably somewhere that uses linux, or any other kind of Unix.  :)

http://autonomous.tv/			       spencer at autonomous.tv
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