On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 09:40:28AM -0500, Amy Tanner wrote:
> Anyone ever see this error when removing a package?
> error: cannot open Sigmd5 index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)
> error: cannot open Filemd5s index using db3 - No such file or directory (2) 
> I saw it for the first time on a box today when doing an apt-get remove.
> I suspect I'd get the same result doing an rpm -e.  Note, the package
> did get removed despite the error.

That's not good, it means that /var/lib/rpm is missing the above mentioned
files. If there's not a reason for something like this to have happened
(fsck, manual deletion..) you might check and see if the system has been
broken into.

Sigmd5 stores the MD5 signatures for packages, and Filemd5s stores the
MD5's for files, this is use to verify if a package has been changed
or not.

> -- 
> Amy Tanner
> amy at real-time.com

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