Anyone here a KDE programming guru that wants to help me with something?  

I'm trying to build a little app which I call Virtual File Cabinet.
Basically, I want to be able to scan in my important paper documents, save
as png, index and organize them, encrypt them, and have the ability to
archive them to CD.  Then I can scan any important papers I have for
archival, and shred and burn the originals.  I have way too much paper
laying around, and this is the perfect way to eliminate that.  

I have part of it written, basically I can scan the docs in and that's it.
I need to come up with a scheme to organize them and implement encryption
and burning functionality.  It's far from done.  But if anyone here has a
bunch of KDE experience and wants to help on a GPL project, drop me a line.
I don't think I have the experience to finish it all by myself.
