On Sat, 16 Mar 2002, Matthew S . Hallacy wrote:

> Wow, it must be that time of month, I accidently /exec rm -rf / in my IRC 
> client while joking with someone..

*somehow correlates this to the gasoline fight in Zoolander.  Too funny.*

> Best thing to do is umount *immediately*, run debugfs, and get acquainted
> with the commands. I managed to recover 99.9% of the ~18G that I deleted.

That's cool.  I'm kinda playing with TCT, I've had a busy weekend and once
I got the partition umounted/mounted ro I don't see it as a time sensitive

> I'm considering having a presentation on this at the next installfest if
> I can work up enough interest in it (and a good presentation).

Well, I'm definitely interested.  If nothing else, I'll post my
techniques/results to the group.
