Since you are talking to them, maybe they still *are* tracking your NIC.
Or maybe they override the NIC tracking sometimes. Just because the name
doesn't match....  does it really mean they aren't tracking your MAC

Mine is derived from the IP address.  Perhaps that's what my dhcpclient
sends as a machine name?  How could THAT be?  Maybe it's a default.

>host zz.yy.xx.www
www.xx.yy.zz.IN-ADDR.ARPA domain name pointer

It could be that I'm not re-provisioned yet, too.  If nothing breaks we
won't know that it's changed, will we?
Gerry Skerbitz
gsker at

On Wed, 19 Jun 2002, Miller, John wrote:
> I learned today that AT&T is no longer tracking Mac addresses of Nics.
> I had two nics registered 1 being a usb.  I plugged the usb into the
> windows machine and called att.  We went through the usual steps of
> multi reboots.  The last step was to release and renew the ip lease.
> I noticed that the hostname is very different then it used to be.  It
> used to be derivatived from the Mac address and now my hostname is
>  The first is the computer id and the
> last part is obviously at&t.
> John Miller