On Friday 11 January 2002 15:09, you wrote:
> I am by no means a Linux, or Windows, expert.
> I am a Linux (and Windows) user and while I personally think Linux is the
> best thing since sliced bread it still poses problems.
> For one; installing software. It is a pain. You have to unzip your
> tarballs, unpackage your RPMs and whatever else you do with Debian and
> start installing. In many cases you have to compile the source code and
> then install the binaries. (If I am understanding the process right.)
> Under Windows it was usualy a simple process. You got your file
> 'bloatware.exe' you double-clicked on it and presto it was going.
> Note: I am not saying that the Windows method was better, only that it was
> easier.
> For a newbie (Myself and those you want to convert to Linux) this is a
> stumbling block.

I am a newly converted Debian user (not all my boxes run Debian, for
the most part they run Slackware, but they might just be running Debian
 soon).  I know where you are coming from.  It does take time and effort to 
learn how to compile and install software.

If you can get past the Debian installation process without a hitch, a 
wonderfull world awaits you with:

 apt-get install pkgname

I was blown away by its ability to completely upgrade the box I was
setting up from an old set of Debian CD's I bought online in about
15 minutes (w/ a cable modem).

Some questions get asked if you are setting up a new server (i.e. mail
server or the like), but the questions asked are no more difficult than
the ones asked in a typical MS proggie install.

No bloatware, just the package and it's dependencies (the dpkg even
allows you to substitute other packages to satisfy some of the 
requirements, but I am not proficient at dpkg yet).

I can install a new game for my daughter on her machine at home
(Debian) box from anywhere I have a net connection and an ssh
client on a floppy... Try doing that on a Windows box from a remote

Just so darn happy with Debian that I had to share with everyone!!!


Kelly Black