On Fri, Jan 04, 2002 at 03:11:05PM -0600, jeffr at odeon.net wrote:

> Now there is a way around this.  If you use esd (Enlightened Sound Daemon
> IIRC) as the 'device' that all of your other applications like xmms use
> for output, then esd can mix all the various sound streams together and
> present just one sound stream to the sound card, thus allowing your system
> beeps, display manager sounds, and xmms to all play nice together at the
> same time.

This is true.  Mostly.

esd is a good idea, but there are occasionally some difficulties when
using some programs.  It largely depends on how "professional" your
audio needs are.  This isn't to say esd is not good -- it is -- but it
isn't invisible to the user yet.

Some sound cards support multiple input streams, but this is entirely
hardware dependent.

I'd like to know more about how esd does software -- i.e. truncation
and scaling, and also how they fill/clock/sync their output buffers.
So much source, so little time.

"Trying to do something with your life is like
sitting down to eat a moose." --Douglas Wood