On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 12:13:29 -0600
"James Spinti" <jspinti at dartdist.com> wrote:

> <snip>
> Selling for as little as $1,565, the PC used an Intel 4.77 megahertz
> processor and Microsoft's Disk Operating System. The machine offered
> memory
> capacities from 16K to 256K and either one or two diskette drives. An
> expanded system for business with color graphics, two diskette drives
> and a
> printer cost about $4,500.
> <snip>
> Full height, 160K 5.25" floppy.
> My first PC was a Heathkit H-100 with dual 8088/8085 so you could use
> CP/M,
> since there was so little software for the Z-DOS 1.0 OS.  It came with
> dual
> 360K drives and my printer had true descenders, too and 192K of system
> and 64K of video RAM expandable to 192K (at about $100/64K, if you
> installed
> it yourself).
> Ah, yes the good old days...4.77 MHz and considering it fast!

Wow, I suppose my old Tandy 1000EX is somewhere in this range as well.  It
was 4.77MHz/7.44 turbo.  Had 64k memory, upgradeable to 640k I believe. 
64k-> 256k was about $150, and then from 256-> 640k was another $250 I
think.  Had an internal 5.25" drive.  It looked like an old apple in a
way.  I put a 300baud modem in.  I don't recall the video memory, though
it was hercules monochrome.  Ran TandyDOS (MSDOS?) 2.11.  With Tandy

I thought it was a deal back in 85/86 I think.  Paid about $600-700 for it
on clearance.  Took me a month to save to buy the monitor for it.  The
9pin printer was $150 I think.  Then, later on I bought an external floppy
drive and a couple of other accessories for $50.  I had the system maxed
out to what it's capacity was, and what I could afford.

I used it until a couple of years after I got married, though it's wasn't
good for much more than writing a couple of letters and text documents at
that time compared to the new.  It died a flaming, smoking death in '93/94
after it booted up with various characters across the screen.  After that,
I was at a friend's house, about a year later playing a game.  Need I say
more other than "DOOM"?
