On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Jason Lohrenz wrote:

> I'm working with a Telco company that is wanting to get into the ISP
> business.
> I suggesed looking into a Linux solution.
> They are looking at a 3 server solution (2 Radius servers
> (Primary/Secondary) and an e-mail server.
> Do any of you know any packages, or methods to have the accounting
> information related for all the servers -> ie have the radius info tied into
> the e-mail acocunts and such.

Something I would suggest is what my ISP does.. keep the accounting info
on a worksation tucked away on the corner with NO network access.  Once a
month, download the radius/xfer log data to a floppy and sneakernet it to
the accounting machine.  That way even in a complete server comprimise,
customer data is locked away tightly.  Then write import scripts into your
favorite accounting package to sort the data and bill appropriately.
