On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Florin Iucha wrote:

> Whoa... you really messed up your system.

Actually, I got Apache running OK with PHP3, still have some issues with

> Why is /etc/httpd your server root? And why do you symlink /usr stuff
> into /etc?

Redhat installs it there by default.  I think they still do.

> In /etc/httpd you should have the apache config files and nothing more.
> Please post a gzipped httpd.conf here.

Since the problem has changed I won't post it yet.  The only thing that's
changed in httpd.conf is:

LoadModule php4_module        lib/apache/libphp4.so
AddModule mod_php4.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

and I commented out the php3 lines of the same.

in /etc/httpd I already have symlinks to /var/log and /usr/lib/apache.  I
added the symlink so it would find the module.

Nate - I have not recompiled Apache.

My new error when I uncomment the 4 lines above and comment out the
similar PHP3 lines:

Cannot load /etc/httpd/lib/apache/libphp4.so into 
server: /etc/httpd/lib/apache/libphp4.so: undefined symbol: uncompress
