On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Clay Fandre wrote:
> Even though this won't work for the ftp problem, it is a valuable perl one-liner
> that I have used more times than I can count. (No jokes please) It's especially
> useful for changing URLs in a bunch of html docs. Include the i.bak option to
> backup the file first. (just to be safe)

 Nope, can't make fun of you for that.  It's a very useful one-liner.
 In case what Clay said wasn't particularly clear:

perl -pi.bak -e 's/replacethis/withthis/' file

will leave the original content of the file, intact, in file.bak.

> For a list of some other useful one-liners:
> http://www.unixguide.net/unix/perl_oneliners.shtml

 Sounds like good reading.
