On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 07:16:29AM -0600, Jason Jorgensen wrote:
> The ISP's I sysadmin for want some way to archive all mail going to and 
> coming from our users to customer-care.
> I was thinking something that just dumps a pop3 account into a database 
> might be enough.  I would just add a 'ccdump' account to the 
> 'customer-care' alias and then cron the dump script.
> But then I have to write a web interface to the database. :(
> Anyone know any open source stuff that already does this?
> Suggestions and advice welcome!

Well, I think this is a job for procmail.  Just create a filter that
catches email sent To: customer-care, comes From: customer-care, comes From
customer-care and/or is Cc: customer-care and puts it all in a 'mailbox'.

You can't really filter outgoing emails, so you need to make sure that all
emails sent to users are also Cc: customer-care or also sent to
cutomer-care so they can be archived.

I'd say you either do the above, or you implement some sort of request
and/or trouble-ticket system.

Gabe Turner                                             gabe at msi.umn.edu
SGI Origin Systems Administrator,
University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
 for Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation         www.msi.umn.edu