On Monday 26 August 2002 09:36 am, Raymond Norton wrote:
> I have a tech on one of our LAN's asking me for a software tool to monitor
> his network. He feels something is awry, and is asking me to help him find
> areas of congestion, services running, and bandwidth used. Is there a tool
> with a GUI for this?

The tool I'm most familiar with -- and it's an excellent one -- is GUI, but 
it's proprietary, and Windows-based (although it runs fine on VMware under 
Linux) -- Network Instruments Observer.  see http://www.netinst.com.  

I'd love to see somebody in the Open Source world duplicate its functionality 
and ease of use.  

But what would happen to [Osama's] cool armor if he
could be reminded of all the good, nonviolent things he has
done? Further, what would happen to him if he could be
brought to understand the preciousness of the lives he has
destroyed? I firmly believe the only punishment that works
is love.
      -- Alice Walker