Hrm, keep the list updated as to whether you actually hit deep into swap or

I'm betting on no.  I've never seen a linux system that was using a ton of
swap that wasn't absolutely I/O bound and literally useless for anything.
(like, 40 minute ssh login times and the like).

I'm sure however, there are specific instances where huge swap is useful.
Since I almost exclusively use linux in an ISP server role (apache,
sendmail, mysql, etc.) I've not run across any of these in the real world.

So, we keep swap to 512MB.  The reasoning behind it beind that if we're
needing more than 512, the system is allready too screwed to be fixed, and
will just need the reboot anyways.  (these are webservers with 512 to 1.5GB
of ram in them)


> Um. Dunno where you got 128M + 256Mswap from. I've got 1gig physical plus
> 1.6gig swap.
> -Yaron