Amy, You can select Evolution individually from the Ximian packages and just install those. It'll configure things for you BUT: You'll probably have to remove certain things. I had to remove some XMMS add-ons and change other stuff. It'll permanently screw up some of the efs2 (I think that is what is called) which will screw up Red Hat's up2date in regard to those packages. It also changed something to do with GTK, IIRC. As for removing Ximian... well good luck. The only way I could do it cleanly was to wipe and reinstall. I am sure that it _can_ be done without doing that, but the hassle was not worth it for me. If you have to reinstall I'd use Skipjack beta 2 until the new Red Hat comes out. That way you get evolution without the messy Ximian dependencies. (I think). <rant> Ximian seems to think that because they are into this MSFT .NET crap that Linux users should be treated like Windows users. It shoes in their installation. ('Let us take over' seems to be their motto) </rant> -- Samir M. Nassar - nassarsa at RedConcepts.NET - Open Source, Public Service 'Open Source, Open Systems, Open Borders, Open Minds' Fingerprint = 4D04 E209 3FE5 DA25 A873 DD79 BD77 4511 BB2B AB9F