<cite> > I'm still trying to understand some of the particularities of the Linux file > system - how it's organized and in particular what happens when installing > software. I'm very familiar with windows but haven't gotten the hang of it on > Linux yet. Your response leads me to this question: If a "fake windows > partition in your /home/Rodney/ directory" gets created, does that mean that > only Rodney will be able to access it? Will other users be able to access it > also? > (This definitely has the ring of a stupid question but... ignorance isn't > bliss.) </cite> Well, WINE installs your fake window partition there by default, but you could just create it in pretty much anything. OTOH, you can allow access to /home/Asterix/ to all people who are likely to use the box. This shouldn't impact the rest of your directory. However it _might_, I guess I would recommend setting up a new user 'Obelix' and creating the fake windows directory in /home/obelix/ and then have that directory accessible by the variety of users if that is what you need. I hope that helps.. If I am wrong or otherwise in error I am sure that others will chime in... -- Samir M. Nassar - nassarsa at redconcepts.net RedConcepts.NET - Open Source, Public Service 'Open Source, Open Systems, Open Borders, Open Minds' Fingerprint = 4D04 E209 3FE5 DA25 A873 DD79 BD77 4511 BB2B AB9F