On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 08:38:19PM -0500, Lorry wrote:
> I found all the files that it wants to include, it just doesn't know 
> where to find them because it says X11/whatever.h instead of the entire 
> pathname blah/blah/blah/include/X11/whatever.h
> I put the entire pathname in one and it worked, but the file that it 
> included had the same problem, so I figured that was a can of worms I'd 
> rather leave closed.

Try changing this in Makefile:
INCDIR= -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11
INCDIR= -I/path/to/where/you/found/those/hfiles

And then try 'make' again, if that fails report what error you got..

  Thomas Eibner <http://thomas.eibner.dk/> DnsZone <http://dnszone.org/>
  mod_pointer <http://stderr.net/mod_pointer>