What the heck, I'll toss in my two cents' worth....

BTW, this applies the Borland Object Pascal of today, and most of this
applies as far back as 1995.

Pointers: They are true pointers--not just references.

Add constants to pointers: Yep.

Max string length: 0..4GB - 1

Convert between short string (max length 255), string (max len 4GB - 1), and
null-terminated strings: Yes, usually completely automatic. Typically not
automatic only if not safe to do so.

Open/Close/Read/ReadLn/Write/WriteLn/Assign/Reset/Rewrite: Still there, if
you want/need them. Or you can use streams instead.

>Borland's implementation of Pascal was so poor, it basically killed the
>language.  Maybe that was the real intent all along.

I'm not sure what burned you so bad on the language. Anyway, I'd have to
disagree: Borland's implementation is still quite alive and well. I can't
say that about most of the other flavors, no matter what the platform. Most
new implementations seem to use Borland's as the baseline to emulate.

Lee Behrens