On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 04:36:51PM -0500, Phillip.J.Crump at WellsFargo.COM wrote:
> Currently I have about 10 MB (uncompressed) or so of data I need backed up..
> I don't need it to be 'happy/clicky' just reliable, I was thinking of
> something that could pick up the files or directories that I specify, tar
> them up and then copy to the zip drive as 1 tar'd file until the drive is
> full..

Well in that case, I'd just call a script like the one below
nightly from cron (see man crontab).

#!/bin/sh -x
date=`date +%Y%m%d`

#name the backup file in the form 'backup_20010906.tar' and puts
#it on the zip disk

#Put your list of files or directories into this file

tar cvf $backup_file   --files-from $file_list_file 

Jim Crumley                  |    Free Dmitry Sklyarov!
crumley at fields.space.umn.edu |    http://freesklyarov.org/
Work: 612 624-6804 or -0378  |