>Also, there are ways specific to various programs for getting
>special characters.  For example to get a "ö" in LaTeX, use \"o.
>In Vim type Control-k the letter and then a punctuation - to get
>a "ç" type "Control-k c," or to get "é" type "Control-k e'".
>If the examples I have shown above show up as "?"s then you may
>have to fiddle with some environment variables. I have
>"LANG=en_US" and "LC_COLLATE=C" (which isn't necessary, but keeps
>the order for ls from being changed from the traditional order).

Those do not show up as "?"s.
My other emails are still getting "?"s, and some of them are postings to 
Yahoo! clubs.  When I go to the club website the same postings are 
"?"-less, so I'm not sure what that means.
Maybe it means I should stop using Mozilla mail.
It has been giving me other problems as well anyway.