On Fri, Nov 16, 2001 at 07:10:16PM -0600, Florin Iucha wrote:

> > If it was a hack, it was pretty good, because the only ports open on
> > the fire wall are .80 (not the machine in question), .25 (also not
> > this machine)
> sendmail?

Nope, postfix.

> >               and ssh (*still* not this machine.)  everything else is
> > MASQ'd.  So if my server isn't hosed (and it isn't) odds of a hack
> > seem pretty low.
> This doesn't have to be the first of your boxen they own...

No, but that's my point.  They don't seem to own anything else.  Or
even this one, it appears. :)

I used to like HP before computers, and once I even liked Compaq,
but I liked DEC better than HP and Compaq put together.