On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 12:32:02PM -0600, Munir Nassar wrote:
> Actually in RedHat if you look under /etc/xinetd.d/ you will find a bunch
> of files which are named after individual services, edit the files and
> remove the disable = yes line to enabe the service... if the service you
> want is not there you will have to write your own file using one of the
> existing ones as a template...

Editing those files isn't actually necessary.  RedHat has made it easy by
making them all 'chkconfig-able'.  Run 

chkconfig --list

You should see the services in /etc/xinetd.d/ listed.  Then you can just

chkconfig ftp on

for example, then run

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

Essentially all it does is modify the 'disable' line in

Gabe Turner                                             gabe at msi.umn.edu
SGI Origin Systems Administrator,
University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
 for Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation         www.msi.umn.edu