On Sat, 10 Nov 2001, Clay Fandre wrote:

> First of all, Jima, lighten up. It was a joke.

 Okay, my apologies.  Once again we're reminded of the fact that text has
an annoying tendency to fail to convey tone.

> Second of all, I gotten enough complaints for the TCLUG members page. I try 
> and do something for the group and all I hear is how it sucks. No, I didn't 
> write it, but I am just as offended. It was like you guys are paying for 
> this service. Yes, I did ask for suggestions on how to make it better, but 
> there is difference between suggestions and critisism. If you feel you can 
> write something better, please do and I'll put it up on the website. But 
> please quit complaining. I have better things to do than listen to a bunch 
> of whiners.

 I'm sorry.  I was simply trying to suggest an improvement.  If it were
easy.  (Of course it's possible, but is it worth the time?  Who 
knows.)  Your joking response seemed like a blow-off to me.  I was
mistaken.  Okay.
 And yes, I fully realized that you didn't write it.  The minor quirks
(which feel like design flaws) didn't seem like it was custom-written for
this purpose.
 Anyway, there was something of a workaround for my complaint.  Just enter
anything for the last name, and once you're added, log in and erase
it.  Easy enough.  (The only detail is that your login contains that last
name, but oh well.)

 Again, I apologize for blowing up at you over a misunderstanding.  I
agree, my original suggestion looks more like a complaint.  My fault, but 
I also blame the toneless text. :)
 Thanks, Clay.
