This turned out to be really long.  Please be nice if you reply, and trim
your posts.

Dave Sherman <dsherman at> wrote:
> Again, right-on.
> Not only that, but people take special training classes to learn how to
> drive their car, and must be licensed according to the laws in their
> state to prove they are qualified to do so

Yes, though you must not forget that there's a big safety issue with cars.
 You can't just let people drive thousand pound chunks of metal at 70 MPH
without some training.  It's a lethal object.

Needless to say, it's really hard to kill yourself or someone else with a
computer (ignoring the whole blunt object aspect ;-)

Still, when computers go down or start acting up, there is a cost.  It's
hard to quantify in a home environment, but broken stuff certainly
contributes to stress, and could have an impact on grades if it's being
used for school work.  In the office, it's somewhat easier to quantify,
though most organizations still don't (as far as I know).  And when there
is nothing to compare with, it doesn't matter.

Let's try some imaginary numbers, assuming an organization is attempting
the big switch from Windows (we'll imagine 2k Pro or XP Pro):

Linux, initial cost:
New computer		$1000
Operating System	    0
Office Suite		    0
Communication Software	    0
Installation cost	   50
Training cost:
  Cost of course	 1000
  Loss from missed work	  800

Total:			$2850
For 50 systems:	     $142,500

Windows, initial cost:
New computer		$1000
Operating System	  250
Office Suite		  350
Communication Software	    0
Installation cost	   50
Training cost		    0

Total:			$1650
For 50 systems:	      $82,500

Difference:	      $60,000

Linux really gets beat up when it comes to training costs.  I shouldn't
get too much into an analysis of that -- I have no idea what training
would really cost.  I don't even know if anyone has really set up a course
for Linux users (as opposed to administrators or the admin/user middle
ground of home users).

With this difference in cost, you could probably afford to pay for an
extra Windows tech.

Conversely, to break even on a transition to Linux, this organization
would have to be able to drop a technician or two, or find more value in
the IT staff they already have (allowing less-burdened staff to spend more
time on other projects, for example).

So, we'll assume that this imaginary organization has five people working
for it.  I apologize in advance if my numbers are way out of line for the
real world and offend people.  I'm just a student employee, and I have no
idea what people are getting paid these days.

Anyway, we'll imagine two system administrators at $60,000 each.  A web
developer pulling in $50,000, and two support techs earning $30,000.

Currently, the support technicians spend almost all of their time working
on desktop systems, but fill in when one or both of the system
administrators are gone.  The sysadmins usually just keep watch over the
servers, but work with the techs on many issues.  They also watch over the
network.  The web developer is usually squirreled away in his office, but
comes out fairly frequently to make sure his web and FTP servers haven't

Assuming that Linux systems can be more efficiently managed, the support
techs will be able to handle the whole job of administrating desktops
themselves.  This would open up the system administrators to just watch
over the servers and network, basically ignoring the desktops.  With more
time to watch over servers, they could take over the web guy's maintenance

Another possibility that comes up if the desktops are easier to support is
that of dropping one of the support techs.  The remaining structure of the
IT department would pretty much stay the same as it was before.

System admin		Windows		 Linux		Linux, 1 Tech
------------		-------		-------		-------------
Server maintenance	$30,000		$40,000		$30,000
Network maintenance	 15,000		 20,000		 15,000
Workstation support	 15,000		      0		 15,000

Total			$60,000		$60,000		$60,000
Both admins	       $120,000	       $120,000	       $120,000

Web developer:
Development		$35,000		$50,000		$35,000
Server maintenance	 15,000		      0		 15,000

Total			$50,000		$50,000		$50,000

Tech support:
Workstation support	$25,000		$25,000		$25,000
Server maintenance	  5,000		  5,000		  5,000

Total			$30,000		$30,000		$30,000
Both techs		$60,000		$60,000		  N/A

One year:
Total IT pay	       $230,000	       $230,000	       $200,000
Total desktop support   $90,000         $60,000		$60,000
Desktop TCO	       $172,500        $202,500	       $202,500

Two years:
Total IT pay	       $460,000	       $460,000	       $400,000
Total desktop support  $180,000	       $120,000	       $120,000
Desktop TCO	       $262,500	       $262,500	       $262,500

Three years:
Total IT pay	       $690,000	       $690,000	       $600,000
Total desktop support  $270,000	       $180,000	       $180,000
Desktop TCO	       $352,000	       $322,500        $322,500

Taking the first Linux option, the company would get more value out of its
IT staff, thirty thousand dollars a year.  Switching to Linux would `pay
for itself' in two years, and would save the company money after that.

Getting rid of a desktop support tech would have basically the same
effect, paying off the initial cost in two years, but it would be more
apparent on the bottom line.

These seem to be pretty thin margins to me, and obviously, it can all get
screwed up for a number of reasons.  If the company is using homebrew
software, it'd have to be re-written, probably ofsetting the whole mess
above.  Additionally, people use Windows at home, so new employees won't
have to be trained as much to be able to use their computer at work

It might be good to look at another computer buying cycle, as the initial
cost there should end up being lower (no re-training costs), and total
cost of ownership would start off on the right foot.

But I'm not going to touch that..  Pay someone else to do that ;-)

 _  _  _  _ _  ___    _ _  _  ___ _ _  __   Linux: Just do it.
/ \/ \(_)| ' // ._\  / - \(_)/ ./| ' /(__   
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[ Mike Hicks | | mailto:hick0088 at ]
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