> Not good, especially since I'm sure many of those people used the same
> passwords for various other things.  It didn't get any passwords with
> symbols in them though.  If you put symbols in them, and keep them at least
> 8 or 10 chars long, it should be fairly hard for someone to crack it.
> Unless of course they grab the hash from a windows box and use lophtcrack.
> In the windows world, you pretty much have to change it every 20-30 days,
> because that's about all the time it will take lophtcrack to get any windows
> password, unless MS finally fixed the split hash thing.

Actually, Windows (at least NT and presumably 2k as well), do have a
different hash than Lan-Man (sic) that is slightly better.  It's takes
registry hacking though.


Gabe Turner				       |  	   X-President,
SGI Origin Systems Administrator,	       | Assoc. for Computing Machinery
U of M Supercomputing Institute for	       |    University of Minnesohta
Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation    |       dopp at acm.cs.umn.edu

"I like the same theengs you do: wax paper, 
 boiled football leather, dog breath!!"
				- Commander Hoek (Ren) in "Space Madness"