Yaron wrote:
>   Hi,
> On Thu, 24 May 2001, Jacqueline Urick wrote:
> > Any other LUGies want to volunteer to put this kind of stuff together? If we
> > had more serious volunteers we could impliment all kinds of cool things on
> > the website. And, as a plus, you, who create it, would be able to add it
> > your resume or portfolio!
> I've been more than happy to do web-stuff for LUG projects (ORDER LOKI
> GAMES), but my problem is, well, I do these things in really shoddy
> "I-only-had-5-minutes" Perl. They should NOT be on a public server!
> However, I agree - make your own computer/hardware trading thing! That'd
> be neat. If someone doesn't do it soon, I will. And it'll be in Perl, so
> all you PHP-geeks better beat me to it!

Well, I've been playing with Postgresql and PHP, and am starting to
think myself a god. I could come up with something massively overcomplex
and overdesigned given some encouragement and a few weeks time...

I'm thinking something ebayish, but you make a deal with the 'seller' in
email then the seller takes the ad down, rather than formal bidding...