On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 02:13:57PM -0500, Brian wrote:
> On Wed, 23 May 2001, Florin Iucha wrote:
> First he says:
> > Whatever happens don't panic and don't reboot :)
> Then his sig says:
> "you have moved your mouse, please reboot to make this change take effect"

That's only for Mouse Operated Systems.

> Hmm... common thread here?  Actually, I'm pretty much against rebooting a
> linux box, but in some cases it's the easy way out.  This was one of
> those.  In the example you mentioned Florin, there was uncertainty as to
> whether the machine would boot back up, so it would have been a bad
> move.  In my case, I was 100% sure it would have fixed it.  OTOH, I have a
> server with a 50 day uptime that I refuse to reboot regardless of its
> condition.  It's a functioning sendmail/apache box that I consider the
> most "mission critical" machine I own and I won't reboot it for any
> reason.
> I see the reboot issue as a pride thing, and on a brand new non critical
> box I don't feel pain in shutdown -r now.  If it's been up awhile and it's
> actually doing stuff, I'm more reluctant.

I see the reboot issue as a matter of style. It's more elegant...

And as a matter of learning. A 3-year-old can reboot a box, no big deal.
But "hmmm, what have I done? why? how can I fix it?"
Stuff that you apply later in more stringent situations.



"you have moved your mouse, please reboot to make this change take effect"