Last year a USwest truck backed into the phone boxes on the utility pole
out back and flattened them.  Needless to say the phones did not work very
well.  I have been trying to get them to realize that when their equipment
is held together with duct tape and garbage bags that it needs to be
replaced but they refuse to do so.  Our dsl goes out on a regular basis.
Infact it was out for the entire month of august last year.  Over 45 phone
calls were made and finaly somebody showed up and said that he couldn't
touch the problem because it had to do with megabit services.  It took
another two weeks to get a megabit services person out there.
US-west how can we do you today.  Quest has inproved the services quite a
bit, but that is just turning down the thermostat in hell.

Colin Kilbane