There are going to be meetings the next few days in Duluth to consider 
economic development opportunities in outstate Minnesota. The meeting is 
of, by, and for bureaucrats, with people like me invited to fill some 
seats and clap. Here's a link.

However, we need people with skills, like the Linux community. The world 
is going over to Linux and Minnesota needs a crash skills development 

I pushed IT optics in the early 80's and am now pushing hay crop 
agriculture and fuel cells in rural areas. These bureaucrats fight 
progress while they promise it, and they can get you down. But the tax 
structure has shifted to again favor the productive sector. Such an 
investment climate was developed by Ronald Reagan in the early 80's to 
foster the internet (not Al Gore). Linux experts should introduce their 
issue and not allow these bureaucrats to define the technology. 
Bureaucrats love defining others. Minnesota needs your Linux skills to 
stay in the global economy. 

Don't be surprised, though, if your good idea becomes their good idea.