On Wed, 11 Jul 2001 08:53:30 -0500
"Austad, Jay" <austad at marketwatch.com> wrote:

> their T1 just fine.  The qwest T1 through t1sales.com is $559 + loop
> fee ($200 for me), so $759 total.

Back in '97 I became aware of "the 511 building" (511 11th Avenue), it's
the old Control Data building.  At the time, rent was almost $1/sqft on
month-to-month basis .. and got cheaper with a longer lease.

The beauty is, if you're in that building, you don't pay any line

2001? They're basically booked solid, it gets worse though: a "janitor's
closet" goes for $750/month, for $1000/month you might be able to walk
in. (Both include a/c!)

My question is -- aside from what was gofast.net, what other buildings
are "on the backbone" and have a line-charge-free policy?

-Jay J

p.s. At 511, if you rent 10,000 sq-ft .. you get the old $1/sqft rate.