
On Mon, 9 Jul 2001 ming at mongo.evil-overlords.com wrote:

> Just trying to figure out what I need to get ssh working on my box. The docs
> are ok at openssh.org but kinda confusing to me, not sure where to start. So if
> someone can suggest a nice book or some hints that would be cool.

Well, there's always the O'Reilly SSH book... what are you trying to do?
Get the client or server going?

Either way, you need to get OpenSSL. If you're building from source,
here's instructions:

1) Downlaod OpenSSL from

2) Download OpenSSH from

put them in the your build dir (eg, /usr/local/src).

3) Untar OpenSSL:

% tar zxvf ftp://ftp.openssl.org:/source/openssl-0.9.6b.tar.gz

4) Change into OpenSSL directory and compile it:

% cd openssl-0.9.6b
% ./config && make

5) Change to root and install it:

% su
# make install
... lots of stuff ...
# ldconfig
# exit

6) Go back up and untar openssh:

% cd ..
% tar zxvf openssh-2.9p2.tar.gz

7) Change directories and build it:

% cd openssh-2.9p2
% ./configure && make

8) SU and install:

% su
# make install
... lots of stuff ...

9) That's it. You now have an SSH client. ssh -v will tell you what

10) If you want SSH server running, edit /usr/local/etc/sshd_config to
your liking, and then run /usr/local/sbin/sshd. You can put it in a
startup script.

Hope this helps,

