Well, this page


helped me answer my own question.  Put / on the end of a mailbox to make it
mailder, put /. (*snicker*) on the end to make it MH.

Mutt works perfectly with it too.  Good-bye ^@!

The URL I mentioned above is a _very extensive_ and _very long_ "quick
start", for all of you just discovering procmail.


On Sun, Jul 01, 2001 at 09:22:10PM -0500, Gabe Turner wrote:
> Well, with all this talk of mutt and procmail and such, I just thought of
> something that I'd like to do.
> At work, we have a mail server running Irix and for some reason, I have
> problems with procmail delivering mail to mbox-format files.  Every so
> often (much too often), procmail will concatenate two or three or a dozen
> emails together with just NULLs (^@) between them.  So, when viewing these
> folders in mutt, one message may actually contain many messages, so I have
> to edit the message and delete the NULLs before the other messages show up
> in my mailbox.
> As you can imagine, this is _extremely_ bothersome.  Now, someone mentioned
> that mutt can read maildir format folders (which I wasn't aware of).  It's
> my opinion that it's procmail locking (or not locking) the mbox folders
> that adds the NULLs in there, for whatever reason.  If I could get procmail
> to put incoming messages into maildir format, since every messages is a
> seperate file, I shouldn't have the problem of multiple messages being
> concatenated together.
> We're using sendmail as our MTA.  Is it possible (via something in
> .procmailrc, or even an external program) to have procmail put every
> message I send to it in maildir format?

Gabe Turner                                             gabe at msi.umn.edu
SGI Origin Systems Administrator,
University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
 for Digital Simulation and Advanced Computation         www.msi.umn.edu