
On Tue, 13 Feb 2001 dopp at acm.cs.umn.edu wrote:

> Vim does a great job of word wrapping.  Throw this in your .vimrc
> set textwidth=75

Yeah, that's nice, but now all my shell scripts will be wrapped, too.

> This sets the maximum length of a line to 75 characters.  If a word puts you
> over 75, that word will be wrapped to the next line (like a emacs-type
> editor).

[x]emacs doesn't wordwrap by default. Actually I've never been able to
figure out how to get i to wordwrap - not that I've tried very hard
(probably meta-x word-wrap-mode-on or something).

> Try giving the docs a read before you just give up on a far-superior
> editor.

Like I said, they each have their strengths. Even pico has some adantages
over vi/emacs.

I'm sure I could get [g|el]vi[m|s|le] to ac exactly like pico, but then I
wouldn't have vi for all those /etc/rc.d anymore.

