On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 12:30:27AM -0600, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:
> > 2) If you want to install from RPM, I would recommend using alien. It
> > does a fairly clean job of things, and you can always check the .deb it
> > generates before you install it. I believe there's also a way to tweak
> > the control scripts before you actually build the package.
> 	how well does it deal with apt-get upgrades? I would hope that by
> using this method; the version I install wouldn't be overwritten by
> something that apt grabbed (unless there indeed was a newer version on the
> debian mirrors).

Well, the safest way to keep packages from being over-written is to
put packages on hold. This stops apt (or dselect) from trying to
update the package.  The easiest (non-dselect way - since lots
of people dislike dselect) way to put packages on hold is to use
dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set-selections.

   dpkg --get-selections < TMP_FILE_WHATEVER

Then edit TMP_FILE_WHATEVER with your favorite editor (vim, of course)
and then change the status after the packeages you want to hold from
'install' to 'hold'.

   dpkg --set-selections > TMP_FILE_WHATEVER   

After that apt will not try to update those packages and apt-get will
tell you that it is holding them back when you do apt-get upgrades.

(If you like dselect, simply find the package name from the package list,
and hit '=' or "H" to put a package on hold - there are probably similar
command for the apt UI's.)

Jim Crumley                  |
crumley at fields.space.umn.edu |
Work: 612 624-6804 or -0378  |