On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> Ok, I'm a new Dweebian^WDebian user; and I am wondering how experienced
> users deal with .rpms and non-.deb'ed software.
> since the stuff on the debian mirrors is commonly months behind the latest
> version (or maybe you're testing alpha versions of a project); what do you
> do if there is a .rpm (or even just a .tgz) for a package you might already
> have installed with dpkg?

I'll save the standard 'if you want bleeding-edge run testing' speech,
since I assume you've heard that part already. :)

Personally, I like to have a few things bleeding-edge, with most of my
system running well-tested, stable software. So here's what I do.

My Debian install is the latest stable, a.k.a. potato. For other
software that either isn't included or isn't the latest version in
potato, I use a combination of a few methods:

1) If I can find source, I compile from that rather than using an RPM
usually. It keeps my system generally cleaner. From source I can go one
of two directions:
  A) If I'm lazy, or just want to test something, and/or it doesn't need
  to be in the same location as packaged things, I'll just throw it in
  /usr/local/stow/<packagename> and stow it.
  B) If the package does need the same prefix as pre-packaged things
  (e.g. extra GNOME libraries), and/or I'm feeling meticulous/anal, I
  make a Debian package out of it. This isn't as hard as it seems at
  first. The best place to start reading is probably the New
  Maintainer's Guide, available at
2) If you want to install from RPM, I would recommend using alien. It
does a fairly clean job of things, and you can always check the .deb it
generates before you install it. I believe there's also a way to tweak
the control scripts before you actually build the package.

Using these methods, and taking meticulous notes about what I install,
I've managed to keep a relatively clean system, get the bleeding-edge
software I want without sacrificing too much stability, and not expend
too much effort in doing so. As always, YMMV, but HTH. (those damn
acronyms... ;p )

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock