On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 12:44:32PM -0800, Paul Harris wrote:
> Hi,
> I've inherited an old laptop (Fujitsu Lifebook 520D, P120/40MB, 810MB) that I'd like to use as a browsing station and for some lite word processing.  At risk of instigating a holy war, I'd welcome opinions of what window manager, browser and editor to put on it.  Yes I know X places a burden on its limited resources, but a) I want a fully graphical browser, b) I like WYSIOEABARAOWYAG* text editing, and c) I like GUIs.  I use Debian and KDE (KDM, Konq etc) on my main PC, but figure that KDE might be a bit heavy for this machine.  The text editing doesn't need to be flash, but the more features the better.  Oh, and any suggestions on partition sizes would be cool too (is that all?!)

fvwm, Mosaic and ed.

Paul Rech
pauljrech at acm.org
rechpj at bitstream.net
prsyscon at real-time.com