One solution would be to get one of the webmail mailboxes that will harvest 
your pop accounts and use that instead.  Then all your mail is on a large 
server with admins that shouldn't care what you have in your mailbox and one 
central place to get all your mail from. Of course if you keep lots of old 
mail it might require you to pay to have enough storage space.

tim lupfer <tl at> said:

> On Dec 04 at 06:02PM Jay Kline wrote:
> > <rant>My, what an interesting concept. I find it interesting that
> > so many people on this list feel the need to change a problem set.
> > It happens quite often, and can be very frustrating for the person
> > asking the question.  Its ok to suggest a different approach, but
> > if the person asking the question says something wont work, please
> > dont dwell on it. </rant>
> [...]
> This rant is good, but I think a haiku would work much better with
> your given software.
> -- 
> tim lupfer              tl at
> familiarity breeds contempt--and children.
>             --mark twain's notebook.
