On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 02:54:42PM -0500, Callum Lerwick wrote:
> It won't work. I've tried it. Apache sees the garbage that is the virus 
> body, and responds with a Bad Request error, and won't even touch any 
> CGI you try and get it to run.

I hacked Zope to accept these out-of-spec requests.  It was a REALLY
EASY hack.  In zope/ZServer/medusa/http_server.py, look for the line:

REQUEST = re.compile ('([^ ]+) (?:[^ :?#]+://[^ ?#/]*)?([^ ]+)(( HTTP/([0-9.]+))$|$)')

and change it to:

REQUEST = re.compile ('([^ ]+) (?:[^ :?#]+://[^ ?#/]*)?([^ ]+)(([ ]+HTTP/([0-9.]+))$|$)')

*fanfare*  Now Zope accepts Code Red.  
