Scott Dier wrote:

>>such as games because of the 6 second delay  2) They don't allow web 
>>hosting period.
>Remember, Im of the camp "colo your webservers, damnit."
I would agree with you on that but I like to be able to get to my 
servers anytime they go down or I want to do something physically to 
them: ie put cd in, new nic card, etc.  I'm also of the cheap camp and 
hate to pay a lot of money out monthly for both high speed connections 
and colocation.  I looked into colo and ISDN ISP through Real-Time and I 
just about had a heart attack when I saw the cost.  Not to mention that 
the drive there for me just sucks if I have to do something to my 
server.  I don't know of anywhere else that I can do a colo on.
