On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Phil Mendelsohn wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Bob Tanner wrote:
> > Quoting Phil Mendelsohn (mend0070 at tc.umn.edu):
> > > BTW, it says 768/408 in my neighborhood on their web site
> > > 
> > > http://www.telocity.com/products/faq_sdsl.asp#how_fast
> > 
> > Why, or How can Telocity deliver this speed to areas where Qworst cannot (will
> > not!) deliver this technology.
> It says (this is all hearsay, though I just ordered it -- sheesh) that
> it's SDSL, but when they "optimize" it, they set download faster.  
> BTW they say specifically that NAT is OK.  Finally, someone who is happy
> just selling a pipe!  I just hope it works...  (How bad can it
> be?  consider the alternatives!)

Qwest has that too in their CISCO manuals. And specifically says "in order
to save money when you connect multiple computers...".
