On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Jim Crumley wrote:
> The situation is I'm recording audio from the line in on my
> pentium laptop (using gramofile), but saving the file via
> NFS to Sparc IPX.  Both are running ~ 2.2.17 kernels and the
> NFS kernel server.  After 100 minutes recording cuts off
> when the file size is 1GB.  Its probably just a bug in gramofile,
> since I though that the large file limit was 2 GB for 2.2 kernels.
> Is that right? 

  I've recently been rearranging some partitions, and have been playing
with several 1GB+ files. One is about 2.2GB and I don't have any
problems. It's probably a gramofile bug; NFS might be suspect too,
although I don't know much about NFS.
