I couple of weeks ago I put an indigo up for sale.  Unfortunatly nobody
told me the root password or the bios password.  Without that the system
would be just a purple doorstop.  I have a thing against selling
doorstops. I got the necessary information just recently and was able to
determine the actual specs on the machine so it is back on sale once

Here are the specs

RISC MIPS 4000 with FPU running at 100mhz
80 mb of memory
1 3.2gig quantum hd + 1 430meg seagate
irix 6.5 installed and configured
SGI 17inch (trinitron tube!) monitor (very nice indeed)
Mouse + keyboard
1 10 base T (rj45) transever for networking ( I'll throw in a bnc one too)
Two external drives + cables ( 500 megs each ) I have to test these though 

the glow that comes with having an SGI on your desk is free...:)

With the recent upgrades the machine is going for $200 OBO

Colin Kilbane