> I am currently running Redhat 6.1, Mandrake 7.1, and Caldera 2.4.  I
> have not decided which distribution I like the best, but I am assuming
> LDAP or NIS setup would be about the same with any distribution.

<plug type=shameless>If your setting up servers, give debian a go.</plug>

Setting up LDAP is like setting up a good database, mainly because LDAP is
(well...kinda sorta...) a database. 

As far as managment utilties go, I use GQ. It kinda limited right now
though. The best way right now is just making ldif files (or making shell
scripts to spit out ldif files, which really isn't hard.) and throwing the
ldif files to OpenLDAP via ldapadd. 

As for design, I like the domain scheme over the location scheme
(dc=ltiflex, dc=com) and then OU's to seperate things out (Ou=People for
users, Ou=Roaming for netscape roaming profiles, etc etc etc.)

Really, I haven't looked at NIS much, and only played with LDAP a bit, but
so far I like LDAP. 

Here's a breif HOWTO on migrating from flatfiles to LDAP: 

It's really not as RedHat specific as it seems to be. 

If you are migrating to linux, you'd best choose a distro and be consistant
with it. I know that debian can be set up to keep it's package database
(both what's available and what's installed) in LDAP. Kinda neat when you
think about it, you only have to do apt-get update once, then apt-get
upgrade each server. Just make suer you backup the LDAP data often!

Andy Zbikowski, Sys Admin   | (PH)  763-428-9119 (EX:132)
LTI Flexible Products, Inc. | (FAX)  763-428-9126
21801 Industrial Blvd       | (PCS) 612-306-6055
Rogers, MN  55374           | (WEB) http://www.ltiflex.com
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