Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom writes:
> since someone was asking yesterday, I found that
> Ars Technica had a review of them a year or more ago.
> they sound very sexy, tho. :) a boot PROM instead of a BIOS, a crossbar switch instead of a shared bus, and 2 64-bit PCI slots...
> <drool>
> Carl Soderstrom

That review is about the 320 & 540, which have been discontinued.
The new machines, 230, 330 & 550, are much more stock ia32 boxes,
with special attention to graphics (I don't know graphics, though,
so I can't talk about details).

For details, see <>.

John Hesterberg                         email: jh at
Technical Project Leader                phone: 651-683-5879
HPC Linux

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